Dredge Hooks Over 1 Million Players: Let's Dive into the Adventure!

Hey fellow gamers, grab your virtual fishing gear because there’s some exciting news from Black Salt Games! Their spooky fishing game, Dredge, has caught the attention of over 1 million players since it launched in March 2023. Let’s reel in the details of this amazing success story.

Bigger Than Dreams

Nadia Thorne, the producer of Dredge, and the 3D artist Mikey Bastiaens shared their jaw-dropping achievement during an interview at PAX Australia. In the beginning, the team thought, “Hey, it would be awesome if we sold around 100,000 copies in the first year.” That was already a super optimistic goal. Thorne spilled the beans, saying, “We thought that in the first year, we might sell 100,000 books. That would have been great. When we set our goals, that was the best guess we could make. We broke through those goals.” Can you believe it? They went way beyond their wildest dreams!

And guess what? They even celebrated the success with a launch party on a boat! We got a preview of the thrills from Bastiaens. “We were literally screaming “oh my god” as we refreshed the sales page.” That refreshing paid off big time because Dredge sailed past 100,000 sales within the first 24 hours. Imagine the joy on that boat!

Next Stop: The Pale Reach Expansion

With over 1 million players hooked, Black Salt Games isn’t taking a break. They’re preparing to release the first big expansion for Dredge, called “The Pale Reach,” hitting the gaming world on November 16, 2023. This means more eerie adventures and mysterious depths for you to explore. So, if you’ve been enjoying Dredge, get ready for a fresh wave of chilling excitement – it’s going to be epic!

Spilling Secrets: Crafting Dredge Creepy World

Ever wondered how Black Salt Games created the spooky world of Dredge? Mikey Bastiaens spilled the secrets during a talk at GCAP, where he shared how the studio turned players’ fears into an awesome gaming experience. It’s like peeking behind the curtain to see the magic happen!

And if you’re hungry for more insider info, check out our extensive interview with the dev team. They spill the beans on what happens behind the scenes as they create a mysterious seascape with hidden depths. The journey from setting sail with ambitious goals to hitting over 1 million sales is filled with surprises, and the team is sharing all the exciting details.

Tech Talk: Diving into Dredge’s Inner Workings

For all you tech enthusiasts out there, Black Salt’s Joel Mason has written a deep dive into one of Dredge’s core mechanics – the spatial inventory system. It’s a technical exploration of how the game works on the inside, giving you a closer look at the cool details that make Dredge a one-of-a-kind gaming experience.

So, whether you love spooky fishing adventures or you’re just curious about how awesome games are made, Dredge has a tale of unexpected triumphs and chilling delights. Happy fishing, fellow gamers!